JAMBE LOGO JAMBE Slogan :- Get Wisdom Get Understanding Proverbs 4:5


jambe ScopeAnalyzertakes in c++ code and builds a webpage which changes the color of the background every time a new scopeing area is introduced. This Program came about at the beginning of 2001. I had just started programming in C++, and I would always struggle to see within which Brackets I should stick this line of code, or whether there should be an extra bracket. So I wrote ScopeAnalyzer It basicly just inserts a new table each time it finds an opening bracket '{', and closes a table each time it finds a close bracket  '}'. Due to the nature of html if you close a table before you open one, it won't care. So it doesn't give you any errors, but you will see that there is a close bracket that isn't closing a table, therefore in error. You can also see that if you want to put in the last statement of a while loop, but you have 3 consecutive brackets, you just go to the while loop and see that the color for the loop is green. Then go down to the closing bracket the ends the green. This is where you should inset your line of code. Hopefully by now you have an Idea of what it does and how it can help you.

If you write C code, download it today!


ScopeAnalyzer.zip  -the program and the code nicely zipped

ScopeAnalyzer.cc -the code

ScopeAnalyzer.htm  - example output


Some times you get a color that is very dark as a background, this can make the text very hard or imposible to read. If this happens then just run it again, ScopeAnalyzer just uses a random color scheme so next time it will be different. If you have any Ideas how to avoid this happen I am all ears give me an email.

If you you have '{' or '}' as part of you code that do not denote scope (ie in the example) they produce tables as well. I have no plans to deal with this issue, So deal with it :)

You can use DJGPP Or E-MACS/GCC to write C++ code, these are absolutely free


The contents of this page, and linked documents are Copyright to James Brunskill and may not be used without permission