JAMBE LOGO JAMBE Slogan :- Get Wisdom Get Understanding Proverbs 4:5

Verse of the Day

What is a Reciprocal Link?

A Reciprocal Link is when someone links their page to you and you link back (some times called link exchanges)

Many Search Engines base how good your site is by how many similar sites link to yours.

Because this practice can increase your rank in search engines I set up this page, all you have to do to get your page listed here is to add a link to my site and I will add one back. This is given that I don't consider you page objectional. I reserve the right to deny any page a link on this site. For example I will not link to any site that contains pornographic material.

Why are their no links here?

I created this page many years ago, since then the idea of reciprical links is seen as let us say 'not desirable' by search engines.

The contents of this page, and linked documents are Copyright to James Brunskill and may not be used without permission